一、PARALLEL_CASE (Verilog Only)
Parallel case is valid only for Verilog designs. This attribute forces a case statement to be built as a parallel multiplexer. This also prevents the case statement from being transformed into a prioritized if-elsif cascade.
This attribute can only be controlled through the Verilog RTL.
Example:(* parallel_case *)casex select 4'b1xxx: res = data1; 4'bx1xx: res = data2; 4'bxx1x: res = data3; 4'bxxx1: res = data4;endcase
TRANSLATE_OFF and TRANSLATE_ON instructs the Synthesis tool to ignore blocks of code. This can be useful to ignore source code that is not relevant for Synthesis, such as simulation code.
These attributes are given within a comment in RTL code. The comment should start with one of the following keywords:
- synthesis
- synopsys
- pragma
TRANSLATE_OFF starts the section of code to be ignored, and TRANSLATE_ON ends the section to be ignored. These attributes cannot be nested.
Be careful with the types of code that are included between the translate statements.
If it is code that affects the behavior of the design, a simulator could use that code, and create a simulation mismatch.
Verilog Example
// synthesis translate_off...Code to be ignored...// synthesis translate_on
VHDL Example
-- synthesis translate_off...Code to be ignored...-- synthesis translate_on
The use_dsp48 attributes allows a user to control how the Synthesis tool deals with arithmetic structures.
By default, mults, mult-add, mult-sub, and mult-accumulate type structures go into DSP48 blocks. Adders, subtractors, and accumulators can also go into these blocks, but by default are implemented with the fabric instead of using DSP48 blocks.
If this attribute is not specified, the default behavior is for Vivado Synthesis to determine the correct behavior.
This attribute overrides the default behavior and forces these structures into DSP48 blocks, and is placed in the RTL on signals, architectures and components, entities and modules, with the following priority:
- Signals
- Architectures and components
- Modules and entities
Accepted values for this attribute are "yes" and "no."
Verilog Example
(* use_dsp48 = "yes" *) module test(clk, in1, in2, out1);
VHDL Example
attribute use_dsp48 : string;attribute use_dsp48 of P_reg : signal is "no";
重点说一下USE_DSP48,这句话可以放在模块的前面,也可以放在reg声明的前面,如下: 一、放到模块前面
(*use_dsp48="yes"*)module COUNTER( input clk, input rst, output [7:0] cnt); reg [7:0] cnt_tmp = 8'b0; always @(posedge clk,posedge rst) if(rst) cnt_tmp <= 8'b0; else cnt_tmp <= cnt_tmp + 1'b1; assign cnt = cnt_tmp; endmodule
module COUNTER( input clk, input rst, output [7:0] cnt); (*use_dsp48="yes"*)reg [7:0] cnt_tmp = 8'b0; always @(posedge clk,posedge rst) if(rst) cnt_tmp <= 8'b0; else cnt_tmp <= cnt_tmp + 1'b1; assign cnt = cnt_tmp; endmodule
// (*use_dsp48="yes"*) 默认加法不使用DSPmodule COUNTER( input clk, input rst, output [7:0] cnt); reg [7:0] cnt_tmp = 8'b0; always @(posedge clk,posedge rst) if(rst) cnt_tmp <= 8'b0; else cnt_tmp <= cnt_tmp + 1'b1; assign cnt = cnt_tmp; endmodule